På svenska tack  
  Latest update 2023-06-10  




PE-film is a part of Ortopedi- & AnestesiKonsult AB, Orthopaedics - & Anaesthesia Consultant Company (former Orthopaedics- & SurgeryCenter Company), owned and run by Peter och Lena Evers and as such been established 1987. The main purpose has been to produce AV-material for teaching, patient information and documentation of surgical findings.

Beside my profession I have had a great interrest in modelflying starting in the middle of 1950 and competing both nationally and internationally.

To combine my knowledge in film-making with my modelflying hobby has been a natural developement and quite a few films have over the years been produced for my own private satisfaction. By the time I have noticed a profound interrest in my productions and after a cautious start of selling some of my films I have decided to give this a more official touch.

This site was initiated 2006 when The Swedish Modelflying Association (SMFF) asked me to make a film from the 19:th Scale World Championships and is going to be enlarged along with increasing filmmaking. Well, that is my intention anyway.



Once upon a time